Sunday, December 29, 2019

`` Showing What Is Possible, By Jacques D Amboise

In â€Å"Showing What Is Possible,† Jacques D’Amboise reflects on an experience when a teacher helped him discover ballet. Madame Seda helped D’Amboise fulfill his talent. With ballet, he overcame the pressure to join a gang like his friends. D’Amboise was able to become a well-known ballet dancer with help from his teachers. When it was time to retire from dancing, he started the National Dance Institute. This project enabled D’Amboise to influence his own students around the world. An influential teacher can affect one’s future by challenging pupils to move past their comfort zones, teaching them to actively control their future, and setting up an environment where they can improve together. An influential teacher often challenges students to move outside of set comfort zones. They continue to challenge their students to try different hobbies and excel in school. Maya Angelou experienced this when she met Mrs. Bertha Flowers who gave Angelou her â€Å"first life line† (87). Angelou had a traumatic experience which had led her to believe she should never talk again. No was able to get her to talk except for one influential woman. Mrs. Flowers challenged Angelou to move past her fears and speak again. D’Amboise finds his challenge when he has to spend every afternoon in ballet dance. Madame Seda challenged him to learn ballet instead of disrupting her class. D’Amboise confirms this when he concludes that, â€Å"she challenged me to a test, complimented me on my effort and then immediately

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Descriptive Study Of Indian Scenario - 1483 Words

Digital Banking: A Descriptive study in Indian Scenario *NishantDabhade Research Scholar (Management) Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) ABSTRACT Today banks operate in an extremely globalized, liberalized, privatized and a competitive environment. Indian banking industry has witnessed an incredible growths due to extensive changes that are taking place in the information technology. The development and the increasing progress that is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology have brought lot of changes in almost all facets of life. In the Banking Industry, it has been in the form of online or e-banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking practice. The e-banking constitutes an electronic alternative network of payments and benefit of services. E-banking has the potential to transform the banking business as it significantly lowers transaction and delivery costs. Today e-banking has experienced phenomenal growth and has become one of the main avenues for banks to deliver their products and services. Online banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers’ satisfaction in term s of better quality of service offerings and at the same time enable banks gain more competitive advantage over other competitors. There are some associated challenges identified in the study that seem to hinder the success of e-banking services and thus constitute major concern to both financial institutions and customers. ThisShow MoreRelatedA Study of Recruitment Selection Process in Bank1103 Words   |  5 PagesA STUDY OF RECRUITMENT SELECTION PROCESS IN BANK A project proposal (synopsis) report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) From Guide: Dr.Nitin G.Vighne By: PRN. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Ongc Corporate Governence Free Essays

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is a reflection of the company’s culture, their relationship with stakeholders and commitment to values. ONGC has a pioneer in benchmarking its corporate governance practices with the best in the world. ONGC Corporate Governance philosophy is based on the following principles:- Achieving high level of transparency, openness and accountability and fairness in all areas of operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Ongc Corporate Governence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Promoting ethical conduct throughout the organization with primary objective of enhancing shareholder’s value.Sound system of internal control to mitigate the risks. Compliance of law, rules and regulation in true letter and spirit. Independent verification of the company’s financial reporting Strategic supervision by the board of directors of appropriate composition, size, varied experience and commitment to discharge their responsibilities. Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information to all Stakeholders. Protection of the interest of all Stakeholders In recognition of excellence in corporate governance, the following awards have been conferred on ONGC: I. SCOPE Meritorious Award for Corporate Governance 2006-07 received II. ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2003 III. Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Governance in Emerging Economics – 2005, 2007 and 2008 by World Council, U. K IV. Golden Peacock Award foe Excellence in Corporate governance by the Institute of Directors in the years 2002, 2005 and 2006. The company is managed by the Board of Directors which explicates strategies, policies and reviews its performance.The board of Directors has an adequate combination of Functional and Non-Executive Director. The company has a practice of periodic retreats where all the members of the Board and senior officials of the Ministry of Petroleum Natural Gas discuss issues of Corporate Strategy and Policy. The company being a PSU, all Directors are appointed/ Nominated by the President of India. Board / committee Meetings and Procedures: 1. Institutionalized decision making process 2. Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board/Committee Meetings 3.Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting 4. Follow up mechanism 5. Compliance 6. Training and evaluation of non-executive Board members To have the benefit of cumulative knowledge and experience of the ONGC family, an assembly of the past and present members of the erstwhile Oil Natural Gas Commission and Board is organized every year. The key Executives in-charge of Assets, Basins, Services and Institutes meet periodically with CMD and the functional Directors to review performance and to formulate future plans.The company has the following committees of the board: Audit Ethics Committee: The role of audit ethics committee includes the following: i. Oversight of the company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct , sufficient and credible. ii. Recommending to the board, the appointment, re-appointment and if required , the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of audition fees. ii. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any services rendered by the statutory auditors. iv. Reviewing with the management , the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue, the statement funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the board to take up steps. v.Reviewing with the management performance of statutory and internal auditors adequacy of the internal control systems. vi. Reviewing with the management, the quarterly financial statement before submission to the board of approval. vii. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function viii. Discussion with internal auditors any significant findings and follow up there on. ix. Discussion with the auditory before the audit commences about the nature and scope of audit. x. To review the functioning of the whistle blower mechanism. Remuneration Committee:ONGC being a Government Company, appointed and terms and condition of remuneration of Executive Directors are determined by the Government through administrative ministry, the Ministry of Petroleum National Gas. Non Executive Part time official Directors do not draw any remuneration. Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievance Committee: The Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievances committee specifically looks into redressing of Shareholders and investors complaints pertaining to transfer of shares, non receipt of annual reports, dividend payments and other miscellaneous reports.The committee also monitors implementation and compliance of company’s code of conduct for insider trading in ONGC’s securities. Human Resource management Committee: The term of reference include consideration of all issues concerning human resource planning and management, HR policies and initiatives and promoti on. Project Appraisal Committee It examines and makes recommendations to the Board on projects or Capital investment. Health, Safety and Environment Committee The terms of reference includes review of policy, processes and systems on Safety, Health, Environment and Ecology aspects.Financial Management Committee The committee looks upon the matters pertaining to Budget, Delegation of power commercial issues, Forex and Treasury Management, Capital structure, Issue of Securities, Short and long term loans periodical performance review of subsidiaries. Apart from the above committees, the Board from time to time, constitutes Functional committee with specific terms of reference as it may be fit. Meeting of such committees are held as and when the need for discussing the matter concerning the purpose arises.Time schedule for holding the meetings of such committees are finalized in consultation with the committee members. Code of Conduct for Members of the Board and Senior Management: The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations. A code of conduct, evolved in line with the industry practices was adopted by the board on the recommendations of Audit and Ethics committee. All members of the board and senior management have compliance with the code of conduct for the year.Subsidiary Monitoring Framework: All subsidiaries of the company are Board managed with their boards having their rights and obligations to manage such companies in the best interest of their stakeholders. As a majority shareholder, the company nominates its representatives on the boards of subsidiary company and monitors the performance of company periodically. Disclosures The Company has not entered into any material financial or commercial transactions with the Directors or the Management or their relatives or the companies and firms, etc. in which they are either directly or through their relatives interested as Directors and/or Partners except with certain PSUs, where the Directors are Directors without the required shareholdings. The company has compiled with applicable rules and the requirement of regulatory authorities on capital market and no penalties or strictures were imp osed on the company. Means of Communication: Quarterly or Annual results News release, Presentation Website Annual Report Guidelines on Corporate Governance by DPE: No Presidential Directive has been issued during 2008-09 and the last three years. No items of expenditure have been debited in books of accounts, which are not for the purpose of business. No expenses, which are personal in nature, have been incurred for the Board of Directors and top management. The administrative and office expenses were 3. 79% of total expenses during 2008- 09 as against 5. 45% during the previous year. The decrease in 2008-09 is on account of reversal in 2008-09 of excess pay revision arrear provided during 2007- 08 and also provision of additional gratuity in 2007-08 due to increase in the maximum amount of gratuity to Rs. 10 Lakh from Rs. 3. 5 Lakh. How to cite Ongc Corporate Governence, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Goodman brown Essay Example For Students

Goodman brown Essay Young Goodman Brown is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece that clearly illustrates Sigmund Freud theory of repression through Young Goodman Browns faith in his puritan religion. Brown in his unconscious mind is, however, challenged by the evils which surround him that he tries to repress and thus, a battle between good vs. evil surfaces. Growing up as a dedicated puritan, Young Goodman Brown was raised under strict religious guidelines that he must obey wholly according to his religion. He married a lovely woman named Faith within his deeply religious community. Faith is Young Goodman Browns dear wife, but also serves as a symbol for his commitment to the puritan religion. In Freud theory of repression, Faith and his religion serves as his repression in Goodman Browns mind. The story starts off with Young Goodman Brown heading out to the forest to run some errands. Faith tries to convince Goodman Brown not to go and stay here with her. With Faiths gentle voice she whispers, prithee put off your journey until sunrise and sleep in your own bed tonight. That is just like Browns religious beliefs in his mind trying to stop himself from going into the forest. Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. said brown- indicating he must head into the forest tonight but without any specific reason. The forest is symbolic door to Goodman Browns unconscious mind where Faith act as the repression, tries to stop Goodman Brown from going further into his mind. He disregards the repression and went ahead and opened that door into his unconscious or id. Inside his mind, he finds all these evil from his thoughts that he had repressed and locked away all these years cause of his strict religious beliefs. The evil is represented by a devil he met in his unconscious mind. The devil holds in his hands a staff that resembles a serpent is similar to the story of Adam and Eve where the snake leads them away from being the purest of man and in Young Goodman Brown where the devil with the serpent staff leads Brown deeper into the forest. All his thoughts that were considered wrong by his religion were repressed and forgotten. These thoughts which he thought were forgotten are actually locked deep into the forest part of his mind and the opening of that door will only take a matter of time before the mind cant take anymore. Once the door creaks open from the pressure of the thoughts, the person becomes hysterical unless a method of mental solution provided in Freud theory is utilized. Proven by Sigmund Freud, hysteria is not at all physical and is indeed a mental condition. Young Goodman Brown became hysterical after his visit into his forest or id. He cannot accept that even with his pure good heart, there was such evil in his unconscious. So with every thought that he was taught wrong by his religion, he simply just repressed it into his id or unconscious minds. And after he explored his id, Brown realize he wasnt as pure as he hoped he would be. He returned bitter, stern, and distrustful towards his community. He became anti-social and ignored everything and everyone around him including his wife, Faith. The 3 solutions to cure hysteria are 1. Person maybe convinced that it was wrong in rejecting their wish and accepts it wholly or in part 2. or the wish maybe directed to unobjectionable aim 3. or rejection of the wish may be recognized as a justifiable one. If one of the three methods of solution in Freuds theory was used, Young Goodman Brown would still be well.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bernard Madoff free essay sample

If so, what and why? 2. What can we say in McCoy’s defense? How might you construct a defense of his actions and argue he either did the right thing or at least nothing bad? 3. If the Sadhu had been a child, or a beautiful Western woman, do you think McCoy would have gone to the top or stopped and helped? Why or why not? Should that matter? 4. How much should context matter in our analysis? a. Should our standards be different at 15-20,000 feet above sea level on a mountaintop in freezing cold temperatures? b. How about when other individuals and groups are present? Does that make us more or less responsible? c. What needs to change to shift the dynamic and create better outcomes for all stakeholders? 5. McCoy seems to regret his decision to leave the Sadhu. It is a decision he made in just a few moments with little reflection, yet it has had a profound impact on the next 20-30 years of his life. We will write a custom essay sample on Bernard Madoff or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What does this tell you about the challenge of living a good life? If moral dilemmas don’t come before us and announce themselves, how can we do a better job of seeing them coming? What can be learned from moral mistakes? 6. How, if at all, does your view of other moral mistakes you read about (e. g. Enron, Bernie Madoff, the financial crisis) change in the wake of considering this case?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents The WritePass Journal

Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents Introduction Resistance of bacterial to antimicrobial agents IntroductionBeta- lactamase  Mutation at the target sitesEnzymatic modification Efflux of antibiotics from the cell by pumpAcquired Resistance by alternate metabolic pathwaysTreatment of superbugsConclusion  ReferenceRelated Introduction Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global problem in the treatment of bacterial infection. Bacterial resistance is a mechanism by which bacterial are able to overcome antibiotic meant to destroy or kill them, these bacterial multiply to cause disease in humans figure 1 (Patrick, 2003) Figure1 the non antimicrobial resistance and non antimicrobial resistance Although the most resistant bacterium can be inhibited or destroyed by using a high concentration of antibiotic, subjects on the other hand may not be able to bear the high concentration of antibacterial agents that may be required treat some bacterial infection or disease.   Bacterial species differ in their susceptibility to an antibiotic or antibiotics.   For instance some strains of Streptococcus pneumonia in Britain are inhibited by 0.01mg/l of benzyl penicillin thus the minimum inhibitory concentration, and that of Escherichia coli, a dose 32-64mg/l is needed to inhibit the growth or kill the bacterial but this becomes highly toxic to the human body cannot manage. This opens the view of clinical resistance, which is based on the on effect antibiotics on humans and misuse of antibiotics. Clinical resistance is therefore a process by which the type of infecting pathogenic bacterium, its point of attachment in the body, the distribution of antimicrobial in the body, its concen tration at site of infection and the immune status of the subject interact(Gerard,2011). Bacterium uses enzymes, efflux pump, gene, helix ring as well as plasmid to defend itself or to develop resistant to antibiotics. (figure2) Figure 2 structure of a resistant bacterium Beta- lactamase Beta-lactams are of copies penicillin, a large group of antibiotics that are made up of all the antibiotic agents with a four ring in their molecular structure. The bacterial cell wall serves as a protective tool for the bacterial against any foreign substances such as antibacterial agents, from entering inside the bacterial to destroy its internal protective structures. The beta-lactam antibiotic works by blocking the cell wall synthesis of the bacterial. Douglas (2002), but bacterial develop resistance to beta lactam by attacking the four ring structure shown in blue in figure of the beta-lactam through an enzymatic reactions (figure1). Bacterial produce beta lactamase enzyme to breaks the beta-lactam ring of the antibiotic and makes the antibiotic ineffective to block the bacterial cell wall synthesis and hence a resistance to the antibiotic (Miller et al., 2004). Figure3 structure of beta-lactam (   Mutation at the target sites Some antibiotics such as Streptomycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the 16SrRNA and blocks the   function of the ribosome but   bacterial changes the 16SrRNA gene and limit the attraction of streptomycin to the 16S molecule bacterial mutate and acquire a new DNA. In imipenem resistant, Pseudomonosa aerugeninosa, lack the specific D2 porin and imipenem cannot break through the cell. Changing the main site of action may change the drug target in that antibiotic may enter the cell but may miss the target and may not be able to bind, the antibiotic may not be metabolised. This makes the antibiotic inactive in the bacteria and as result the bacterial develop tolerance (Springer et al., 2001). Enzymatic modification Ciprofloxacin act together with an enzyme gyrase to block its enzymatic action.   An alteration in each the gene that is gyraseA or gyraseB would change the molecular arrangement of the gyrase and as such limit the binding affinity of the enzyme for ciprofloxacin. It therefore prevents the antibiotic from blocking the gyrase and this process enables the bacteria cell more resistant to the antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) (Gerard, 2005) Efflux of antibiotics from the cell by pump Other bacterial such as the Escherichia coli create a multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) outflow pump gives the bacterial with resistance to antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin or nalidic acid.   The pump drives out the antibiotic from the cytoplasm of the bacterial cell and allows the bacterial to maintain the intracellular levels below the toxic or lethal concentration  Ã‚   The MAR pump is made of proteins MarA and MarB, whose production is blocked by the controlling protein Mar. Poole (2000) These changes get rid of the suppression control of Mar and leads to much production of the Mar A and B efflux pump. The bacterial cell wall is able to get rid of higher concentrations of antimicrobial agents and as such become resistant to the antibiotic (Cohen et al., 1988). Acquired Resistance by alternate metabolic pathways Resistance in bacteria may be acquired when a bacterium is been exposed to antibiotic for a long period of time for example vancomycin resistance in Escherichia coli. This may be by mutation or by gaining a new DNA. Plasmids are copying pieces portion of DNA, slighter than the bacteria genome which programme their transfer by copying into another bacterial strain. These bacteria may then carry and transfer resistance gene which as part of the DNA.Viruses that infects bacterial bacteriophages can pass on resistance, especially in staphylococcus, DNA is released when bacterial dead bacterial is taken up by a viable bacterial and this is possibly route for the spread of penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumonia. Bacterial possesses range of biochemical genetic systems for warranting the progression and diffusion of antibiotic resistance. Genes can appear by rapid transformation (Penrose, 1998). ‘Superbugs’ are used to describe a bacterium or microorganism that is able to resistant more than one or more commonly used antibiotics. Bacteria resistance to antibiotics are grouped according to the type of antimicrobial agent that they resist. The most common groups are: MRSA (Staphylococcus aureus strains resistant to mithescilin ) VRE (Entrococcus species resistant to vancomycin);   these type of bacteria live in the bowel   and usually cause infection such as pneumonia, heart or wound in subjects with weak immune system or subjects with chronic disease such as diabetes. PRSP (Streptococcus pneumoniae strains resistant to penicillin); ESBLs (Escherichia coli and other Gram-negative bacteria resistant to cephalosporin and Monobactams) (Gerard, 2011) Treatment of superbugs MRSA is a type of Staphylococcus aureus has develops a resistant to antibacterial activity of methicillin and the other penicillins Staphylococcus aureus may cause infection in the blood or on the skin disease such. Vancomycin is a glycopeptide that is effective for the treatment of MRSA. It is hard and large molecule that blocks the last step of bacterial cell wall synthesis through hydrogen bonds with D-alanyl-D-alamine end of the peptodoglycan (PDG) side chains(Reynolds,1989)). Subjects infected with   MRSA are treated with   vancomycin but very painful through the intramuscular route and a rapid administration into the veins may cause an allergic reaction called the red-man syndrome, therefore a   slow infusion   of 50mk/kg is given two times daily for 7 days.   Daptomycin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that has been approved by the American food and drug Administration for the treatment of MRSA, VRE and PSBP. It binds irreversibly to the bacteria cell membrane and depo larise it and more Potassium ions move out of the cell to create an inbalance of the ion-concentration gradient.   Currently, Daptomycin shows no cross-resistance. A dose of 4-6mg/kg is administered once daily for 7 days. It is not metabolised in the liver. Daptomycin interacts with the HMG-6A reductase inhibitors such as statin. Nausea, constipation and headache are the main side effects associated with the use of Daptomycin. Quinupristin was well used in the year 2000 for the treatment of hospital acquired infection. Quinupristin main function was to interfere with both the early and the last phase of bacterial protein synthesis but the major problem was that it has to required slow infusion for a large volume fluid just as vancomycin   and as such could only be used for inpatients   subjects(Despoina and Jordi,2006)). Dancer, an oral Streptogramin has been was developed and out 53 subjects 39 were successfully cured of MRSA infection. A new glycopeptide, MDL63246 with a sim ilar mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics as vancomycin is under early stages of development and would be more effective at lower dosages than vancomycin and less side effects. (Franz-Joseph and Mark, 1997) A new approach for VRE treatment is the blocking of oxazoliddines from flowing out of the bacterial cell and broad spectrum pumps of Gram negative bacterial is being studied for future treatment of VRE. (Livermore, 2003).Linezolid belongs to the oxazolinones class of antibiotics and it binds to the 50S ribosomal segment and blocks bacterial protein synthesis. can be administered intravenously or orally .Through the oral administration, a subject is given 600mg two times daily for 10-14 days and 600mg 30-120 minutes twice   daily for one week for intravenous route. Moxifloxacin is a drug of choice for the treatment of PRSP It work by inhibiting DNA synthesis by enhancing cleavage of DNA of the bacterial DNA enzyme complex of the DNA gyrase and type IV topoisomerase figure. The dose regime is based on the type of infection, for the treatment of acute bacterial sinusitis a 400mg of Moxifloxacin is given daily for 10 days and 400mg daily dose of Moxifloxacin for 7-14 days is used treat community acquired pneumonia by Streptococcus sp. Figure3 the mechanism of action of Fluoroquinolones (www.mecriticalcare,net/downloads/Dcourse/AntimicrobialAgents Tigecycline is currently used to treat ESBPLs treat Gram negative enteric rod such as E. coli and Gram negative bacilli such as the Pseudomonas spp. Tigecycline interfere with the bacterial protein synthesis by attaching to the 30S of the ribosomal subunit and this 100mg load dose is given initially and 50mg subsequent dose of every 12 hours is administered for seven days (figure3). (Wunderink et al., 2003) Figure3 Tigecycline binding to Ribosome 30S subunit    Conclusion Bacteria or microbes are constantly reproducing at a faster and becoming resistant to antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial resistance is a global crisis new and more potent antibiotics would have to be developed to overcome the problem of antibiotic resistance. Identification of natural products and knowing their biosynthesis from the bacterial source would enable scientist to find well defined antibiotic structures to that could kill or destroy all kinds of bacterial. Scientist may target ribose DNA, RNA or the peptodoglycan.   Reference Brumfit, W.and Hamilton-Miller, J. (1989)   Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. N Eng J Med 320:1188-1196 Cohen, S.P., McMurry, L.M. and Levy, S.B. (1988) marA locus causes decreased expression of OmpF porin in multiple-antibiotic-resistant (Mar) mutants of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology 170:5416-5422 Despoina, K.and Jordi, R. (2006) Hospital –acquired pneumonia in the 21st century: a review of existing treatment options and their impact on patient care. Expert Opin.Pharmacother 7 🙠 12) 1555-1569 Douglas, N.F. (2002)   Extended-Interval Dosing of Aminoglycoside Antibiotics in critically ill patients. Journal of Pharmacy Practice15:85-95 Franz-Joseph, S.and Mark, E.J. (1997) Antibiotics for treatment of infections caused by MRSA and elimination of MRSA carriage: What are the choices? International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 9:1-19 Gerald, D.W. (2005)   Bacterial resistance to antibiotics: Enzymatic degradation and of   modification. Advance Drug Delivery Reviews 57:1451-1470 Gerald, D.W. (2011)   Molecular mechanism of antibiotic resistance. Chem.Commun. 47:4055-4061 Livermore, D.M. (2003) Linezolid in vitro mechanism and Antimicrobial spectrum. Journal of Antimicrobial chemotherapy 51:9-16 Miller,C.,Thomsen,C.G.,Mosseri,H.I. and Cohen,S.N.(2004)   SOS response induction by ÃŽ ²-lactams and bacterial defence against antibiotic lethality. Science 305:1629-1631 Patrick, F.M.D (2003) Antimicrobials: Modes of Action and mechanism of resistance. International Journal of Toxicology 22:135-143 Penrose, E. (1998)   Bacterial resistance to antibiotics-a case of unnatural selection. Creation research Society Quarterly 35:76-83 Peter, N.B. and Morris, J.B (2008) Clinical Pharmacology.edn 10.Churchil Poole, K.(2000) Efflux-mediated resistance to Floroquinolones in-gram-negative bacteria. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 44:2877-3884 Reynolds, P.E. (1989)   Structure, biochemistry and mechanism of action of glycopeptide antibiotics.EurJ.clin Micr infection.Dis 8:943-950 SpringerB.,Kidan,Y.P.,Prammananan,K.E.,Bottger,E.C. and Sander,P.(2001)   Mechanism of streptomycin resistance: selection of mutation in the 16S rRNA gene conferring resistance . Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 45:2877-2884 ww www.mecriticalcare,net/downloads/Dcourse/AntimicrobialAgents

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Local Development Frameworks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Local Development Frameworks - Essay Example This is often done through a system based on a simplified policy hierarchy, which includes a system that gives priority to higher-quality development. Structure plans, local plans, and unitary development plans are often replaced by local development frameworks prepared by district and unitary authorities (Carmona and Gallent, p. 32). The Local Development Framework is a separate but complimentary folder of planning documents (Kerrier, 2006). It sets out the social, economic, and environmental objectives for a specific area, drawing heavily on the community strategies, which local authorities and their partners have prepared. With land, the LDF sets out strategies for achieving these objectives. There are other related strategies, which the content of LDF takes into account, and it is through the strategies and spending program, which becomes an aspect of the vision and objectives of the LDF (ibid). The right amount of new development of the right type is set out by the Local Development Framework. Policies are laid down in order to set out the criteria that development proposals are assessed against. Developmental Management Policies are the policies included in the LDF in testing proposals that ensue through the planning application process. LDF provides a context on how development is seen to contribute to sustainable development within the surrounding area for everybody's benefit. Local Development Frameworks have a key faci... varieties of forms that partnership between developers and LDF can be undertaken, and the roles that LDF can take may vary (Keeping and Shiers, 2004, p. 33). Planning allocation is one area considered pertinent in urban regeneration and development potential and value greatly affects development land allocation. At this very early stage, a partnership between the LDF and real estate developers can be adopted while mutual benefits are laid down (Keeping and Shiers, 2004). In terms of real estate development process, it must be noted that the production of housing targets starts at the regional level, where policy guidance is produced by regional planning conferences along with the regional government offices. Public comment is gathered and an Examination in Public tests the guidance in which participants are invited to give comments on it in the presence of an independent Chair. With the regional bodies directing the process, it may be inferred that this system is less "top-down" and is certainly more inclusive. Regional assemblies link directly with the Local Development Frameworks, which are subsequently produced by local planning authorities (Ratcliffe, 2001, p. 536). It must also be considered that there are different systems of development control but a major theme runs through all these systems. Each of these systems attempts to find a balance between certainty and flexibility in decision-making. There is said to be a growing importance of pre-application discussions and a corresponding need to keep the planning policies based on LDF more up-to-date. Moreover, transaction costs of development control must be decreased and shifted to an earlier stage in the process (Buitelaar, 2007, p. 165). The Roles of Local Development Frameworks in the Real Estate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The sports industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The sports industry - Essay Example a sport or entertainment source, but also as an economic tool, the levels of professionalism, the industry’s profitability and income improvement levels in various nations where the sport is recognized and respected has risen tremendously. Primarily, the value of sports is a crucial topic for anyone trying to understand this industry must review. Considering a study by Deloitte, which was conducted first in 1992, and the last time it was conducted in 2013, the football industry has grown by 14 times from its initial  £170 million to its current value, estimated to be  £2.3 billion. Such growth levels indicate that this is probably one of the greatest drivers of the economy. In Europe, the football industry is one of the biggest industries with even venture capitalists investing in it. The value of the football industry has changed over a short period of time and this can be attributed to a number of features which range from exposure to increase in global interest in the sport (Sports Business Group, 2013). This growth in profits and revenues is not only accounted for by ticket sales, but also from endorsements from other companies and the invisible aspect of how much the football industry has improved other industries as well. Pay TV, for instance, is one of the industries that has greatly benefitted from football, with the increase in numbers of viewers and the development of more programs for the game. Media companies such as Super-Sport, ESPN, SKY sports and ITV digital are some firms that have reaped profits from football seasons impressively. Commercialization of the industry has also boosted its value appreciably. In 2012, the premier league was ranked as one of the highest grossing organizations in the UK. In just a mere season, the domestic rights for the broadcasting of soccer games were sold for over  £ 1 billion per year, which amounts to 18% of all domestic media rights in the UK. Secondly, the game attendance levels for the previous season were

Monday, November 18, 2019

Brain Research Studies and their Significance to the Juvenile Justice Essay

Brain Research Studies and their Significance to the Juvenile Justice System - Essay Example In studying the juvenile brain, the use of new technology in the neurosciences have given way to new observations about differences in the structures of human adult brains and human juvenile brains, observations which basically stress the underdevelopment of juvenile brains. These observations in the structural differences between adult and juvenile brains have now sparked heated debates among scientists in regards to whether the observed differences have any real significance in how juveniles think and act. Aside from the scientific circle, legal experts and concerned citizens are also engaged in similar debates about whether or not these observed structural differences should be applied on how we treat juvenile offenders. The readings provided to us all provide insights into new findings about how the human brain develops. These new researches show how there really are differences between adult brains and teenage brains, with the conclusion that juvenile brains are basically immature. Of course, this has always been assumed by people. We have always assumed that teenagers are less mature and that's why there are a lot of rights that a teenager cannot exercise until he has reached the age of 18. But it is only now that this immaturity is actually based on scientific fact and not just observations of how teenagers behave. There is not much argument about the validity of these observed differences. The bigger debate lies on whether these structural differences are actually significant, and how these differences should be interpreted. First of all, the new brain research findings that were described in the readings show that the development of the human brain actually finishes only at the early 20's. (American Bar Association) Also, another important detail about recent brain research findings is the actual path of development for human brains. Not only was the structure of the teenage brain observed to be underdeveloped as compared to adult brains, research findings also show that the last part to develop fully is the pre-frontal cortex. (Bower 2004) The interpretation of these observations then leads to the debate. As a relatively young science, there are still a lot of things about the human brain that cannot be adequately explained by Neuroscience. Although large strides are being made in regards to mapping the structure of the human brain, the actual function of all these structures is still very theoretical. The significance and function of the frontal lobe and the pre-frontal cortex, for example, is still not fully determined. (Bower 2004) Although a large number of neuroscientists agree that the frontal lobe where the pre-frontal cortex is located has been observed to usually be active when an individual is undertaking higher thought processes, they cannot conclude that the pre-frontal cortex itself is responsible for these higher thought processes. It may just be a coincidence. Some believe these research findings may only show correlations between some functions of the brain and the activity of different brain structures, but they do not give

Friday, November 15, 2019

Intake Manifold of the Internal Combustion Engine

Intake Manifold of the Internal Combustion Engine Abstract Intake manifold of the Internal Combustion engine is a subsystem which supplies fresh air-fuel mixture into the engine cylinders where combustion of fuel takes place. For Efficient Combustion of the charge, the walls of the intake manifold must be smooth/polished to reduce any sidewall resistance. The traditional materials used for intake manifolds were cast iron and Aluminum. In order to reduce manufacturing costs and improve thermal efficiency, new composites are proposed. Inside the cylinder, the energy generated from combustion of fuel is converted into pressure and heat during the power stroke. The pressure and heat increase rapidly within a short span of time. The piston converts this energy into mechanical work. In place of the traditional aluminum alloys, Al-SiC material is proposed which have superior properties. Exhaust manifold is responsible to remove the depleted charge and create space for the incoming charge. Materials used in exhaust systems of engines must have High Temperature Service capability, superior fatigue strength, and good fracture toughness, be easily machinable and economic considering the overall cost of the automobile. Mo-Nb added ferritic stainless steel is a new material that is gaining reputation for its high formability and high heat-resistance. Introduction Internal Combustion Engine is a complex machine that does mechanical work when the air-fuel mixture is ignited under high pressure. The Air-Fuel mixture is sent into the Combustion chamber through the intake manifold which is responsible to maintain proper supply of ignition charge into the engine always. The structure of the intake manifold must be such that it has low sidewall friction and maintains lower temperature so that the charge doesnt pre-ignite. The piston is the component that creates the necessary horsepower inside the engine. It must be light weight and must have good thermal properties. The exhaust manifold deals with the hot gases coming out the combustion chamber. It must be able to maintain flow of exhaust gases without any hindrance. Failure in the exhaust system can cause loss of back pressure which can significantly affect engine performance. Intake Manifold 1. Introduction Intake manifold in the car engine is the system which supplies fresh air into the engine cylinders where combustion of fuel happens. The Intake Manifolds in Internal Combustion engines are one of the most engineered components. High precision is needed to efficiently send right amount of cold, high pressure air in equal quantities and at the same pressure. Earlier generations of cars had intake manifolds made from cast iron, which were heavy. In high volume production cars, the use of injection molded composite intake manifolds has been increasing rapidly. [1] AE 587 Final Research Report Winter 2017 Material Selection for Intake Manifold, Piston Exhaust Manifold Tarun Krishna Prabhakar, Rohit Vedachalam, Pranav Radhakrishna Figure 1: Intake manifold made from Nylon 6,6 [23] An intake manifold is an integrated unit of any engine, made up of a series of tubes/ducts which distribute fuel-air mixture to each cylinder. For V-shaped engine blocks, intake manifold is integrated between the two cylinder rows whereas inline engines have manifolds to side of cylinder head. Intake manifolds also perform as mounting points for Fuel injectors/carburetors, thermostats, throttle assembly depending on the manufacturers engineering designs. Because of the location and functions, intake manifold assemblies experience constant stress from the engine vacuum pressure as direct heat from cylinder combustion gases, and the cylinder head. Figure 2: Evolution of Intake Manifold over the years[24] Until 1990s, most automotive intake manifold assemblies were made from Cast Iron because of lower cost, or from Aluminum which has lighter weight is required for performance/efficiency. Intake manifolds made from plastic began to gain popularity during 1990s because they offered lower weight and cost combined. They were Factory installed when auto-manufacturers figured out how to manufacture them so that they are durable enough to survive high stresses. [2] Aluminum is robust metal, but it has few drawbacks. Namely, 1.) It is cheaper to manufacture intake manifolds with advanced composite molding plants than cast out of Aluminum.2.) Composites have superior heat retention and heat resistance compared to Aluminum and other metals. This means that Phenolic spacers used in previous aluminum intakes are no longer required.3.) Smoother airflow with lower sidewall resistance compared to Aluminum casting, which requires high level of polishing to achieve same flow of air. However, there are few disadvantages:1.) Composites are more flexible, more prone to damage.2.) Composites or plastics are cheap and deemed unattractive. Dissimilar materials such as plastic, aluminum, and iron all have different expansion and contraction rates as they change temperature, so gaskets that provide a seal between an intake manifold and a metal cylinder head must be flexible and durable enough to withstand serious pulling and twisting forces. Early ones were not, and leaks resulted along with warpage under intense heat that eventually led to cracks. Therefore, composites offer several advantages. they saves money, reduces weight, ease of assembly, better insulation, improved airflow, excellent strength to weight ratio, and is recyclable. 1.2. Material Comparison [3] Properties comparison for PA6 (dry/humid), AL 6082 T6 and 316 stainless respectively: Yield strength (MPa): 80/45, 260, 290Elongation at failure (%): 70/200, 8, 50Ultimate Tensile Strength (MPa): 85/48, 310, 579Charpy impact toughness (J/square cm): 0.7/8, 10.6, 134 1.3. Existing Material and Process Material: 319F Aluminum Cast Component: Aluminum Intake Manifold Process: Semi Permanent Mold Casting For a Manifold of an opposed cylinder layout, Intake Manifold alone weighs 4.5 kgs and with the Phenolic spacers it weighs 8.2 kgs. The casting is done by Gravity Tilt Pour process, which can achieve minute thickness upto 3mm. [4] 319F Aluminum is an alloy comprised of 6% Silicon and 3.5% Copper and Iron ( Table 1: Properties of 319F Aluminum [26] For Aluminum, permanent mold process can be utilized to have sand cores to create complex castings. Die castings cannot use cores made of sand. If cores are used in the permanent molding process, it is sometimes as called semi-permanent molding as the mold is permanent but new cores must be made for the next batch. Permanent mold casting is one of the low-cost method of producing any Aluminum casting. Generally, Permanent mold castings are better than simple sand castings when the factors like ultimate and yield strength are compared. They have better elongation, which is good for ductility. Even appearance of Aluminum in permanent mold castings is better than appearance of castings made from sand casting process, which translates that lesser machining and polishing is required after casting. The cast is made using a single core. The passageway core is made by coldbox process for making cores, main body core is a blown core type and the external core is made using semi-permanent mold process with three solid cores and one internal passageway core. Below is a picture of the finished Aluminum Air Intake Figure 3: Aluminum Air Intake [25] 1.4. Proposed Material and Manufacturing Process Material: A-6135 HN PPA(PolyPhthalAmide) Cast Component: Composite Intake Manifold Process: Thermoforming Nowadays, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) use PA6 or PA66 is used for intake manifolds. In the performance aftermarket, there is possible use of engine performance enhancers like nitrous oxide or turbocharging or supercharging, so perhaps a higher-grade composite would be more appropriate. A-6135 HN polyphthalamide (PPA) is a 35% glass reinforced resin which is heat stabilized. Main properties of this resin are high strength, high stiffness, and high heat resistance over a broad temperature range. It also exhibits low moisture absorption, good against chemical action and electrical properties. AMODEL A-6135 HSL polyphthalamide acts as a solution to both performance and processing requirements. At elevated temperature and humid conditions, the tensile strength of A-6135 resin is 20% stronger than nylon 6, and much stronger than nylon 66. The flexural modulus of this compound is a minimum of 20% greater than stiffness of nylon 6 or 66. [6] Figure 4: Tensile strength and Flexural strength comparison between composites [26] For current generation vehicles, plastic intake manifolds are made using the injection molding process. Thermoforming is explored as an alternative to injection molding for making intake manifold shells, which can then be joined by one of the welding techniques used for thermoplastic materials. There is now an increasing trend in integrating several components, such as fuel injection, in engine air/fuel modules. The assembly of these components is achieved via either snap fits or threaded fasteners. Increased integration is generally associated with increasing shape complexity. The advantages of shell design in the integration approach are lower number of fasteners required. Figure 5: Thermoformed Shell type vs Lost Core Design [27] 1.5. Thermoforming Figure 6: Shows thermoforming principle [28] It is a manufacturing process in which a plastic sheet is heated to a temperature where it melts and is flowable, to make molding into any predefined shape/pattern and the flash is trimmed to get the final product. Thinner gauges and other materials too are heated in an oven to high temperature which allows the film to stretch or mold and cooled to a final shape. In Thermoforming, Vacuum forming is the simplest method. [8] Press forming is another type of thermoforming process which is used in work like the sheet metal stamping. Matching metal die set is used here. Preheated plastic sheet is placed on the bottom die and the top die is lowered to close the mold. The hot Plastic sheet gets stretched as the mold closes and then drawn into the shape of die. The sheet is allowed to cool down to take its final shape. For Complex geometries, the component is divided into 2-3 layers where the molded parts can be assembled and held together by means of fasteners or adhesives. Figure 7: Dies used for Manufacturing Shell type Molding of Intake manifolds [29] Figure 8: Finished Air intake manifold made of PPA [30] Figure 9: Comparison of PPA and Aluminum intake manifolds [31] Automotive Pistons 2.1. Introduction In the cylinder of an engine, the energy of the fuel is converted into pressure and heat during the power stroke. The pressure and heat values increase rapidly within a short interval of time. The piston converts the same into mechanical work [9]. The pistons structure consists of piston crown, ring belt, skirt and piston boss as shown in Figure1.1. During the power stroke, the forces resulting from the combustion of fuel-air mixture are transferred from the piston crown to piston boss, piston pin, connecting rod and finally to the crankshaft [9]. Figure 10: Engine piston [9]. 2.2. Forces on piston The forces acting on the piston are, oscillating inertia forces of the piston and the connecting rod (FK), piston force in the direction of the connecting rod (FST) and lateral force or normal force (FS). During the working cycle, the direction of lateral force changes several times, which oscillates the piston from one end of the cylinder bore to the other, due to the existing piston clearance [9]. Figure 11: Forces on the piston [9]. 2.3. Temperatures in piston Temperature is an important parameter for the operational safety and service life of a piston. The exhaust gas temperatures, even though is present only for a short period, can exceed more than 2,200ÂÂ °C. In gasoline engines, the exhaust gas temperatures range between 800ÂÂ °C to 1,050ÂÂ °C, and 600ÂÂ °C to 850ÂÂ °C for diesel engines [9]. Figure 12:ÂÂ   Temperature distribution in a gasoline engine piston [9]. Figure 13:ÂÂ   Temperature distribution in a diesel engine piston [9]. 2.4. Failures of internal combustion engine pistons Failure of piston is one of the prime reasons for engine breakdown. The failure may occur at different mileage and operating conditions which are usually caused by material defects, engineering, and operational errors. Common causes of piston failures include: 1) insufficient cooling and lubrication of the piston, 2) thermal fatigue, 3) incorrect combustion process, 4) mechanical damage [10]. Figure 14 shows fusion of piston head and ring area in a gasoline engine. It is caused due to a phenomenon called hot bulb ignition occurring on the pistons, primarily on their heads, and in the larger flame extinguishing areas. The hot-bulb ignition occurs in the areas of combustion chamber, which have temperatures higher than the autoignition temperature of the air-fuel mixture. This causes the temperature of the piston head rapidly increase, soften, melt and fuse with the ring [10]. Fig. 14: Fusion of the piston head and the ring area [10]. Figure 15 illustrates a piston skirt seizure. From the figure, it is evident that piston skirt has completely seized. The dark coloring on the surface is due to rough and heavily over- ground abrasion spots. Causes for the failure include: 1) Overheating of the combustion chamber, 2) Poor lubrication, 3) Incorrect combustion process [10]. Fig. 15: Piston skirt seizure [10] Figure 15 illustrates propagation of fatigue crack of the piston pin along the semicircle. This fracture divides the piston head into two parts -as shown in Fig. 5. These are cracks due to excessive loads on the piston pin. The crack grows rapidly with poor lubrication and will ultimately result in the failure of the piston. Causes for the failure include: 1) Incorrect combustion process, mainly by delayed ignition, 2) incorrect starting of the cold engine, 3) hydraulic lock caused by water present in the fuel [10]. Fig: 16:ÂÂ   Crack in piston head and skirt [10]. 2.5. Materials Pistons are usually made of Aluminum and Aluminum alloys of eutectic, and partly hypereutectic composition which have high wear resistance. The most commonly used eutectic alloy is M124. Alloys such as M138 and M244 were used in two-stroke engine pistons, while M126 alloy was preferred in gasoline engines. The other recently developed alloys include M142, M145, and M174+, common composition of these alloys include elements of copper and nickel which provides high strength at elevated temperatures and thermal stability. The eutectic alloy M142 and M145 are used in gasoline engines, and the alloy M174+ in diesel engines. Aluminum Metal matrix composites are a new class of materials used in pistons which have superior properties than Aluminum alloys. These composites consist of Aluminum as metal matrix and SiC, Al2O3, TiC, TiB2, Graphite and certain other ceramics as reinforcements [9]. Table 2: Chemical composition of MAHLE Aluminum piston alloys (percent by weight) [9]. Elements M124 M126 M138 M244 AlSi12CuMgNi AlSi16CuMgNi AlSi18CuMgNi AlSi25CuMgNi Si 11.0-13.0 14.8-18.0 17.0-19.0 23.0-26.0 Cu 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.5 0.8-1.5 Mg 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 Ni 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 0.8-1.3 Fe max. 0.7 max. 0.7 max. 0.7 max. 0.7 Mn max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 Ti max. 0.2 max. 0.2 max. 0.2 max. 0.2 Zn max3 0.3 max3 0.3 max3 0.3 max3 0.3 Cr max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 Al remainder remainder remainder remainder Table 3: Chemical composition of MAHLE Aluminum piston alloys (percent by weight) [9]. Elements M142 M145 M174+ AlSi12Cu3Ni2Mg AlSi15Cu3Ni2Mg AlSi12Cu4Ni2Mg Si 11.0-13.0 14.0-16.0 11.0-13.0 Cu 2.5-4.0 2.5-4.0 3.-5.0 Mg 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.2 Ni 1.75-3.0 1.75-3.0 1.0-3.0 Fe max. 07 max. 07 max. 07 Mn max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 Ti max. 0.2 max. 0.2 max. 0.2 Zn max. 0.3 max. 0.3 max. 0.3 Zr max. 0.2 max. 0.2 max. 0.2 V max. 0.18 max. 0.18 max. 0.18 Cr max. 0.05 max. 0.05 max. 0.05 Al remainder remainder remainder 2.6. Current manufacturing process 2.6.1. Permanent Mold Aluminum Pistons Permanent mold is one of the oldest and common process used for manufacturing pistons. It consists of steel mold with single or multi-piece inner cores to create various intricate features of the piston.ÂÂ   This process is a relatively cheap for high volume for a justifiable tooling cost. Parts can be made of various alloys with improved strength at elevated temperatures. High tooling cost and porosity are the main disadvantages of permanent mold process [11]. 2.6.2. Forged Aluminum Pistons Pistons are forged for obtaining high performance, large bore, and increased strength.ÂÂ   Heated solid cylindrical aluminum blank is pressed into a die to create piston. The process yields low defective rate, increased ductility, and fracture toughness [11]. 2.6.3. Billet machined pistons Billet machined pistons are machined from the same wrought aluminum materials which are used in piston forging.ÂÂ   Billet machined pistons have high surface finish and has no tooling cost. The main disadvantage of this process is high cost [11]. 2.7. Improved materials: Aluminum-Graphite composites were primarily used for automotive antifriction applications. Low cost, good machinability, improved damping capacity are the main advantages of this composite. Aluminum-Graphite composites can be fabricated from various casting processes such as permanent mold casting, squeeze casting, centrifugal casting, and pressure die casting. Pistons made of Aluminum-Graphite composites exhibit properties like, low wear, minimal frictional loss, and elimination of seizure from poor lubrication [12]. Aluminum-Silicon Carbide composites have excellent specific strength, specific modulus and wear resistance. The amount of SiC determines the effect of coefficient of thermal expansion, higher the SiC content, lower the coefficient of thermal expansion. Conventional casting processes such as sand casting, permanent mold casting, investment casting and squeeze casting are used in manufacturing these composites [12]. 2.8. Analysis of aluminum and Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide pistons Firstly, a CAD model of a piston is built in CATIA V6, and is structurally and thermally analyzed using ANSYS 14.0 software [13]. Figure 17: Modeling of Piston and complete assembly [13]. 2.8.1. Aluminum composition. Table 4: Show the chemical composition of aluminum [13]. Elements Composition Si 0.10 Fe 0.20 Zn 0.03 Ga 0.04 V 0.03 Others 0.10 Aluminum 99.5 2.8.2. Aluminum Material properties. Table 5: Shows the material properties of Aluminum [13] [14]. Youngs Modulus 70000 MPa Poissons ratio 0.35 Density 2.7e-006 kg mm-3 Thermal conductivity 0.237 W mm-1 C-1 Bulk Modulus 77778 MPa Shear Modulus 25926 MPa Coefficient of thermal expansion 2.48e-005C-1 2.8.3. Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide composition. Table 6: Show the chemical composition of the aluminum alloy (6063) [13]. Elements Composition Elements Composition Si 0.4430 Zn 0.0001 Fe 0.1638 Cr 0.0024 Cu 0.0041 Ti 0.0078 Mg 0.5832 Ca 0.0003 Mn 0.0132 Al 98.751 To obtain the composite silicon carbide powder (15% by weight) is added to the aluminum alloy (6063). For example, 150g of silicon carbide is added to every 1kg of aluminum alloy (6063) [13]. 2.8.4. Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide composite material properties: Table 7: Shows the material properties of Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide composite [13] [15]. Youngs Modulus 230Gpa Poissons ratio 0.24 Density 2.937e-006 kg mm^-3 Thermal conductivity 0.197 W mm^-1 C^-1 Bulk Modulus 1.4744e+005 MPa Shear Modulus 92742 MPa Coefficient of thermal expansion 0.7e-005C-1 Figure 18: Mesh Model of Piston [13]. 2.8.5. Thermal Analysis Thermal analysis is a technique which analyses the variation of physical properties of a substance as a function of temperature [13]. Figure 19: Thermal boundary conditions applied to piston [13]. Figure 20: Temperature Distribution in Aluminum piston [13]. Figure 21: Temperature Distribution in Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide piston [13]. Figure 22: Total Heat Flux in Aluminum piston [13]. Figure 23: Total Heat Flux in Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide piston [13]. 2.8.6. Static Structural Analysis A static structural analysis helps in determining displacements, stresses, strains, and forces in structures or components. The loads do not take inertia and damping effects in consideration. Assumption: Steady state loading conditions i.e., variation of loads and response of structure are varied slowly with respect to time [13]. Figure 24: Fixed Support Model of piston [13]. Fig 25: Total Deformation on Aluminum piston [13]. Figure 26: Total Deformation on Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide piston [13]. Figure 27: Equivalent Stress Distribution in Aluminum Piston [13]. Figure 28: Equivalent Stress Distribution In Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide Piston [13]. 2.9. COMPARISON: 2.9.1. Results of static structural analysis Table 8: Shows the Results of static structural analysis of two pistons [13]. Material Total Deformation Equivalent Stress Equivalent strain Al 0.19052 mm 683.22 MPa 0.00976 mm/mm AlSiC 0.060777 mm 703.54 MPa 0.0030589 mm/mm From the above table, Aluminum-Silicon-Carbide composite has lesser deformation, lesser equivalent strain [13]. However, the equivalent stress of the composite piston is higher than Aluminum piston and this can be reduced by redesigning the stress concentration areas of the piston 2.9.2. Results of thermal analysis Table 9: Shows the Results of thermal analysis of two pistons [13]. Material Temperature Total Heat Flux Al

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Good Old Days of the Internet :: Personal Narrative Essay Example

I read an essay about how the web has changed since the good old days. It talked about the beginning of weblogs (aka- blogs), how they used to represent something essential about the web... and now (of course) they've become so common (thanks to programs like Blogger), that their original purpose had been lost. Â   The essay talked about how people who discovered the web recently (like me I suppose), were missing out on the original spirit of the web because commercial sites had overrun everything, and we didn't have true web logs to point us towards the small, personal sites behind the billboards. And on and on... I had a hard time grasping the underlying point of the essay, besides the fact that it sounded like someone talking about how they heard That Band live, back when they were Cool, before they 'Sold Out'. But the idea that somehow the true spirit of the web was now compromised because of big commercial sites seemed a bit strange. Like somehow was stealing the soul of That struck me as BS. Us poor newcomers are apparently being deprived of the 'true' web experience because of commercial sites. Â   I'd almost suggest just the opposite... the peculiar shifts that retail sales have had to undergo in order to do business on the internet have contributed as much to web culture as sites of cool underground links, or tributes to beloved deceased pets. Even the gawd-awful get-rich-quick auto-generated MLM sites and the horrid Free for All links pages are part of the culture of the web. And us newcomers, if we really take interest in this strange alternate universe, can find the odd, underground personal sites if we look. Â   To say that slick corporate sites are ruining the culture of the web would be like saying department stores like Macy's or Bloomingdale's ruined the culture of New York City. By god, NYC should have no commercial enterprise bigger than those those kitschy little kosher delis, family-owned New York pizza shops and Asian groceries. Anything bigger and slicker than that is an outrage. And NYC really has too many poeple now... all these newcomers just don't get it. Their clueless antics are ruining our city's culture. Those obnoxious street performers, and pushy three-card-monte scam artists! To say nothing of the homeless! How uncool are they? Â