Sunday, December 29, 2019

`` Showing What Is Possible, By Jacques D Amboise

In â€Å"Showing What Is Possible,† Jacques D’Amboise reflects on an experience when a teacher helped him discover ballet. Madame Seda helped D’Amboise fulfill his talent. With ballet, he overcame the pressure to join a gang like his friends. D’Amboise was able to become a well-known ballet dancer with help from his teachers. When it was time to retire from dancing, he started the National Dance Institute. This project enabled D’Amboise to influence his own students around the world. An influential teacher can affect one’s future by challenging pupils to move past their comfort zones, teaching them to actively control their future, and setting up an environment where they can improve together. An influential teacher often challenges students to move outside of set comfort zones. They continue to challenge their students to try different hobbies and excel in school. Maya Angelou experienced this when she met Mrs. Bertha Flowers who gave Angelou her â€Å"first life line† (87). Angelou had a traumatic experience which had led her to believe she should never talk again. No was able to get her to talk except for one influential woman. Mrs. Flowers challenged Angelou to move past her fears and speak again. D’Amboise finds his challenge when he has to spend every afternoon in ballet dance. Madame Seda challenged him to learn ballet instead of disrupting her class. D’Amboise confirms this when he concludes that, â€Å"she challenged me to a test, complimented me on my effort and then immediately

Saturday, December 21, 2019

A Descriptive Study Of Indian Scenario - 1483 Words

Digital Banking: A Descriptive study in Indian Scenario *NishantDabhade Research Scholar (Management) Jiwaji University, Gwalior (M.P.) ABSTRACT Today banks operate in an extremely globalized, liberalized, privatized and a competitive environment. Indian banking industry has witnessed an incredible growths due to extensive changes that are taking place in the information technology. The development and the increasing progress that is being experienced in the Information and Communication Technology have brought lot of changes in almost all facets of life. In the Banking Industry, it has been in the form of online or e-banking, which is now replacing the traditional banking practice. The e-banking constitutes an electronic alternative network of payments and benefit of services. E-banking has the potential to transform the banking business as it significantly lowers transaction and delivery costs. Today e-banking has experienced phenomenal growth and has become one of the main avenues for banks to deliver their products and services. Online banking has a lot of benefits which add value to customers’ satisfaction in term s of better quality of service offerings and at the same time enable banks gain more competitive advantage over other competitors. There are some associated challenges identified in the study that seem to hinder the success of e-banking services and thus constitute major concern to both financial institutions and customers. ThisShow MoreRelatedA Study of Recruitment Selection Process in Bank1103 Words   |  5 PagesA STUDY OF RECRUITMENT SELECTION PROCESS IN BANK A project proposal (synopsis) report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) From Guide: Dr.Nitin G.Vighne By: PRN. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Ongc Corporate Governence Free Essays

Corporate Governance Corporate Governance is a reflection of the company’s culture, their relationship with stakeholders and commitment to values. ONGC has a pioneer in benchmarking its corporate governance practices with the best in the world. ONGC Corporate Governance philosophy is based on the following principles:- Achieving high level of transparency, openness and accountability and fairness in all areas of operation. We will write a custom essay sample on Ongc Corporate Governence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Promoting ethical conduct throughout the organization with primary objective of enhancing shareholder’s value.Sound system of internal control to mitigate the risks. Compliance of law, rules and regulation in true letter and spirit. Independent verification of the company’s financial reporting Strategic supervision by the board of directors of appropriate composition, size, varied experience and commitment to discharge their responsibilities. Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information to all Stakeholders. Protection of the interest of all Stakeholders In recognition of excellence in corporate governance, the following awards have been conferred on ONGC: I. SCOPE Meritorious Award for Corporate Governance 2006-07 received II. ICSI National Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2003 III. Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Governance in Emerging Economics – 2005, 2007 and 2008 by World Council, U. K IV. Golden Peacock Award foe Excellence in Corporate governance by the Institute of Directors in the years 2002, 2005 and 2006. The company is managed by the Board of Directors which explicates strategies, policies and reviews its performance.The board of Directors has an adequate combination of Functional and Non-Executive Director. The company has a practice of periodic retreats where all the members of the Board and senior officials of the Ministry of Petroleum Natural Gas discuss issues of Corporate Strategy and Policy. The company being a PSU, all Directors are appointed/ Nominated by the President of India. Board / committee Meetings and Procedures: 1. Institutionalized decision making process 2. Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board/Committee Meetings 3.Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting 4. Follow up mechanism 5. Compliance 6. Training and evaluation of non-executive Board members To have the benefit of cumulative knowledge and experience of the ONGC family, an assembly of the past and present members of the erstwhile Oil Natural Gas Commission and Board is organized every year. The key Executives in-charge of Assets, Basins, Services and Institutes meet periodically with CMD and the functional Directors to review performance and to formulate future plans.The company has the following committees of the board: Audit Ethics Committee: The role of audit ethics committee includes the following: i. Oversight of the company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statement is correct , sufficient and credible. ii. Recommending to the board, the appointment, re-appointment and if required , the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of audition fees. ii. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any services rendered by the statutory auditors. iv. Reviewing with the management , the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue, the statement funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the board to take up steps. v.Reviewing with the management performance of statutory and internal auditors adequacy of the internal control systems. vi. Reviewing with the management, the quarterly financial statement before submission to the board of approval. vii. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function viii. Discussion with internal auditors any significant findings and follow up there on. ix. Discussion with the auditory before the audit commences about the nature and scope of audit. x. To review the functioning of the whistle blower mechanism. Remuneration Committee:ONGC being a Government Company, appointed and terms and condition of remuneration of Executive Directors are determined by the Government through administrative ministry, the Ministry of Petroleum National Gas. Non Executive Part time official Directors do not draw any remuneration. Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievance Committee: The Shareholder’s/ Investors Grievances committee specifically looks into redressing of Shareholders and investors complaints pertaining to transfer of shares, non receipt of annual reports, dividend payments and other miscellaneous reports.The committee also monitors implementation and compliance of company’s code of conduct for insider trading in ONGC’s securities. Human Resource management Committee: The term of reference include consideration of all issues concerning human resource planning and management, HR policies and initiatives and promoti on. Project Appraisal Committee It examines and makes recommendations to the Board on projects or Capital investment. Health, Safety and Environment Committee The terms of reference includes review of policy, processes and systems on Safety, Health, Environment and Ecology aspects.Financial Management Committee The committee looks upon the matters pertaining to Budget, Delegation of power commercial issues, Forex and Treasury Management, Capital structure, Issue of Securities, Short and long term loans periodical performance review of subsidiaries. Apart from the above committees, the Board from time to time, constitutes Functional committee with specific terms of reference as it may be fit. Meeting of such committees are held as and when the need for discussing the matter concerning the purpose arises.Time schedule for holding the meetings of such committees are finalized in consultation with the committee members. Code of Conduct for Members of the Board and Senior Management: The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations. A code of conduct, evolved in line with the industry practices was adopted by the board on the recommendations of Audit and Ethics committee. All members of the board and senior management have compliance with the code of conduct for the year.Subsidiary Monitoring Framework: All subsidiaries of the company are Board managed with their boards having their rights and obligations to manage such companies in the best interest of their stakeholders. As a majority shareholder, the company nominates its representatives on the boards of subsidiary company and monitors the performance of company periodically. Disclosures The Company has not entered into any material financial or commercial transactions with the Directors or the Management or their relatives or the companies and firms, etc. in which they are either directly or through their relatives interested as Directors and/or Partners except with certain PSUs, where the Directors are Directors without the required shareholdings. The company has compiled with applicable rules and the requirement of regulatory authorities on capital market and no penalties or strictures were imp osed on the company. Means of Communication: Quarterly or Annual results News release, Presentation Website Annual Report Guidelines on Corporate Governance by DPE: No Presidential Directive has been issued during 2008-09 and the last three years. No items of expenditure have been debited in books of accounts, which are not for the purpose of business. No expenses, which are personal in nature, have been incurred for the Board of Directors and top management. The administrative and office expenses were 3. 79% of total expenses during 2008- 09 as against 5. 45% during the previous year. The decrease in 2008-09 is on account of reversal in 2008-09 of excess pay revision arrear provided during 2007- 08 and also provision of additional gratuity in 2007-08 due to increase in the maximum amount of gratuity to Rs. 10 Lakh from Rs. 3. 5 Lakh. How to cite Ongc Corporate Governence, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Goodman brown Essay Example For Students

Goodman brown Essay Young Goodman Brown is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece that clearly illustrates Sigmund Freud theory of repression through Young Goodman Browns faith in his puritan religion. Brown in his unconscious mind is, however, challenged by the evils which surround him that he tries to repress and thus, a battle between good vs. evil surfaces. Growing up as a dedicated puritan, Young Goodman Brown was raised under strict religious guidelines that he must obey wholly according to his religion. He married a lovely woman named Faith within his deeply religious community. Faith is Young Goodman Browns dear wife, but also serves as a symbol for his commitment to the puritan religion. In Freud theory of repression, Faith and his religion serves as his repression in Goodman Browns mind. The story starts off with Young Goodman Brown heading out to the forest to run some errands. Faith tries to convince Goodman Brown not to go and stay here with her. With Faiths gentle voice she whispers, prithee put off your journey until sunrise and sleep in your own bed tonight. That is just like Browns religious beliefs in his mind trying to stop himself from going into the forest. Of all nights in the year, this one night must I tarry away from thee. said brown- indicating he must head into the forest tonight but without any specific reason. The forest is symbolic door to Goodman Browns unconscious mind where Faith act as the repression, tries to stop Goodman Brown from going further into his mind. He disregards the repression and went ahead and opened that door into his unconscious or id. Inside his mind, he finds all these evil from his thoughts that he had repressed and locked away all these years cause of his strict religious beliefs. The evil is represented by a devil he met in his unconscious mind. The devil holds in his hands a staff that resembles a serpent is similar to the story of Adam and Eve where the snake leads them away from being the purest of man and in Young Goodman Brown where the devil with the serpent staff leads Brown deeper into the forest. All his thoughts that were considered wrong by his religion were repressed and forgotten. These thoughts which he thought were forgotten are actually locked deep into the forest part of his mind and the opening of that door will only take a matter of time before the mind cant take anymore. Once the door creaks open from the pressure of the thoughts, the person becomes hysterical unless a method of mental solution provided in Freud theory is utilized. Proven by Sigmund Freud, hysteria is not at all physical and is indeed a mental condition. Young Goodman Brown became hysterical after his visit into his forest or id. He cannot accept that even with his pure good heart, there was such evil in his unconscious. So with every thought that he was taught wrong by his religion, he simply just repressed it into his id or unconscious minds. And after he explored his id, Brown realize he wasnt as pure as he hoped he would be. He returned bitter, stern, and distrustful towards his community. He became anti-social and ignored everything and everyone around him including his wife, Faith. The 3 solutions to cure hysteria are 1. Person maybe convinced that it was wrong in rejecting their wish and accepts it wholly or in part 2. or the wish maybe directed to unobjectionable aim 3. or rejection of the wish may be recognized as a justifiable one. If one of the three methods of solution in Freuds theory was used, Young Goodman Brown would still be well.