Friday, February 28, 2020

Shift from Industrial Relations to Employee Relations Essay

Shift from Industrial Relations to Employee Relations - Essay Example It covers a wide spectrum of industrial activities such as collective bargaining, trade unionisms, and worker's participation in management, discipline and grievance management and industrial disputes and interpretation of labor laws. It, therefore, refers to the collective relationship between the employer and employees on a set of employment relationship. But researches conducted at various places across the world have concluded that the validity of industrial relations as a concept is going to decline in the near future because of the necessity of more recognition of employees at the work place by employers. The employee-employer relation in the 21st century is going to have a new outlook because of the increased need for the recognition of employees at the work place either voluntarily or by the contemplation of law. The relationship between employer and employee experienced in the past, coined as industrial relations has declined over the last few years by virtue of reasons such as change in working condition and approach of trade union. The research undertaken by CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) in 2004-05 on the changing nature of employee relations in U K organizations reveal that "Union membership and traditional union-related personnel management work has declined enormously in the last 30 years, with no prospect of a sustained re-emergence, though the re-regulation of employment and the new Employee Information and Consultation Regulations are pushing employee relations back up the management agenda"Rationale for change in the outlook The reasons for the modern perspective of employee relationship are manifold. Over the past 20 years there have been many amendments in the employment legislations, change in the methods of selection, recruitment, training, remuneration, working condition, consultation etc. All these factors have contributed to a shift from industrial relations to employee relations. Also shift in the trade union image from the earlier industrial conflict has also helped in creating and maintaining a harmonious relationship with employers which opened up opportunities for greater involvement of employees. Another factor which caused a change in the treatment of employees by employer is the changing attitude of present day employees. The modern employees and employers have a psychological contract, which implies the unwritten perceptions of the employment relationship and the degree of trust, motivation and commitment involved. Employee Relation Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale. This approach towards the employees in a changing working environment should not be conventional nor is it adversely affects the employee performance. Modern employers unanimously agree with employee relations, although a few have different opinion. The new approach from employer perspective can be justified by the following: 1. Employee attitude and commitment are strongly associated with employee performance 2. Employee involvement and consultation appear to be more strongly associated with employee satisfaction 3. The ideal mechanism to be used for employee voice includes two-way communications, project teams and joint consultation through electronic

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

2pages story and 2pages essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

2pages story and 2pages - Essay Example While the Americans politicians could not help but notice the gleaming gold stacked inside the gigantic space ship, the space people also could not keep themselves from noticing that there was only one Asian American in the delegation sent by the US president from the White House. In a group of 20 politicians of high standing, only one Asian American represented the US. This was diversity at its poorest and it did not go unnoticed by anyone who arrived from the star in the space. It was assumed by the space people that Asian Americans were largely considered simple-minded and unrefined people by the white elitist forces in America. On grounds of extensive research conducted by them in recent past, they knew it well that a few white elitist groups acted as a driving force behind the American politics. The US president could not risk their anger or disagreement because they funded his campaigns. Since Asian Americans formed a racial minority in the US in contrast to whites who formed a racial majority, the leader of the delegation from space put forward a very unique proposition before the Americans. He offered remarkable treasures in the form of gold to America to help the politicians address all kinds of domestic catastrophes in exchange for every one of Asian American residing in the US. They did not explain what they intended to do with Asian Americans, rather they just emphasized this deal claiming that the US president is free to accept or decline this offer. They naturally expected some resistance or hostility form the US delegation on introduction of such a nonplussing offer, but to their amazement the Americans threw themselves into hot debate soon afterwards considering the offer very seriously. The gleam of gold masking their good judgment, they ran off to their president with this otherwise outrageous offer to the White House. The president